Blind Date

Blind Date event consists of Speed Dating, and then three Dating Shows.
In Speed Dating, the boys are rotated around clockwise every minute. For those shy and taciturn ALs prepared prompt cards (Speed Meet and Greet), which proved to be very useful. Staff also participated and encouraged the students to chat.

In the Dating Show, the couples won a waiter service meal in the Dining Hall the following evening and some time in couples corner. There were three games:

Game One

The mystery girl picks 3 numbers. The boys come down and perform a set of challenges for the girl, who selects her favourite contestant based on his answers. In the end, the girl is revealed and they are coupled up.
Game Two

The mystery girl sits in the booth. Five boys stand in a line across the stage, each has a gold star in front of him. The girl asks a series of yes/no or ‘would you rather’ questions. If the boys’ answers match the girl’s ideal date then they take a step towards their star. The closest to their star at the end of the game is the winner and the mystery girl is revealed. The game is then repeated with one mystery boy and five girls participating.
Game Three
One girl is on stage. 6 boys are situated in a line across the stage. Each boy has a stool with a buzzer on it. The girl pulls challenges out the hat and chooses two of the boys to do the challenge. Afterwards she has to eliminate one of the boys. If they are eliminated they return to their seats. In the final round the girl must eliminate the remaining boys leaving two. She asks them a question and based on their answers eliminates one. The remaining boy and the girl are paired up.

Speed Meet and Greet
*    Hi, my name is…….. What is your name?
*    Where are you from?
*    Have you ever been to England before?
*    If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
*    What hobbies/ interests do you have?
*    Are you enjoying yourself at Discovery Summer?
*    What lesson/ activity/ evening event/ excursion have    you most enjoyed?
*    What kind of music do you like?
*    What is your favourite film?

*    If you had to live on a desert island for the rest of your life, what would you take with you and why?
