English in Action week 2

This week's competition in English in Action involved taking photos and shooting videos.
 Here are the winners. Congratulations!

By Margherita, Nina, Francie and Olzhas

A little look of the campus in Shrewsbury School. These are the main places of the school where we have had lessons and done activities or sports and we will all miss them when we leave. 
By Michael, Erik, Rodrigo and Alessandro

Mirror Image art class. It is Robert drawing Elise having fun.  This image is from the perspective of the artist and the filter is cool.  Because of the printed photo on the table being in black and white, we used a black and white filter to make it look artistic and elegant.
By Stella, Pilar and Andrew  

The Graffiti banner that the activity students are creating for Disco which will be a ‘rave’ disco so they are using lots of bright colours to add to the atmosphere.
By Jack, Pernilla and Dorothea
By Matvey and Georgii
By Lucas, Mary and Alicja
By Elisa, Caterina and Julia
