Fun in the Sun

Yesterday our new students had their first full day here at Discovery Summer Shrewsbury.

On a lovely bright and hot British summers day, our Sport and Dance Academy students began their first sessions with our highly qualified coaches, whilst our Multi-activity students had their English skills put to the test so they could be assigned to a class and teacher that would benefit them the most.

After lunch the groups swapped around and our Sport and Dance Academy students began their English classes while our Multi-activity students tried their hands at a number of sports and arts. Here the students had the chance to have a go at, badminton, football, tag rugby, basketball, tessellate art and hand painting to name but a few.

Our evening activity marked the return of the Colour War. This time our teams were competing in a photo scavenger hunt. Each team was required to create six photos in total, with tasks such as a human pyramid, a famous movie scene and copying a statue.

The yellows stormed to a comfortable victory to make it 2-0 so far. They may have won this battle but they have definitely not won the war, which continues tonight in the form of a Harry Potter Evening!

The Blue Lions make a human pyramid
Aksel 'sets it up' for Magnus on the football pitch
students enjoying the hand-painting class
our dancers waste no time in learning a brand new routine!
